
Invertek: Lifestyle & Recruitment

What draws people to living in the countryside? The slow life, the people, the fields, the mountains, the coast and overall, the lifestyle. People who choose to live away from the city tend to have a very similar outlook on what rates are of higher importance.

Invertek is located in the idyllic countryside in Welshpool, Wales. As they were approaching another recruitment intake, they asked us to persuade their target audience what living in the welsh countryside is really like. We used our own knowledge to showcase the benefits of moving to the countryside.

Pre-production was quite fun, location direction is one of my favourite parts of my job as a Creative Producer. It requires a lot of patience and research, working alongside our counterpart we collated a few different location ideas. With this in mind and long drives between locations we had to be mindful of whether we’d be able to fit all of this within our two day schedule.

Archie and Lucas had a very busy two days ahead of them but said it was one of their most picturesque shoots to date. This was a really fun shoot to be a part of as it took us out of Bristol and into the Welsh countryside. A great look into alternative ways of shooting corporate recruitment videos - why should people apply to your company other than the company itself…


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